Who we are

Supporting our customers for more than 7 years

The first idea

The genesis of the project dates back to 2016, when founder Edouard Charles-Henri Pueo-Gémy was looking for a way to earn money as soon as he turn 18. He was looking for a service that could be useful and bring in funds. 

The foundation stone of the EGIAV project was laid in 2017, when Edouard Charles-Henri Pueo-Gémy made an independent company, serving Chineses customers in France with their administratives formalities.

Metz (France) is the city where the Egiav project was born.

The EGIAV Group now

The EGIAV Group will take shape in 2019 with the first company in France, followed by the Chinese company and branches in Hong Kong and London. 

Focusing on sales taxation in France, it will enable the development of a bilingual service, which is a real plus in China. The service will come to a stop the Covid-19 crisis, with no services, the company will be closed for 3 years.

The EGIAV Group was born from one simple idea – a local administrative agency serving international needs. In January 2024, The EGIAV Group open back its doors for business in France and China, helping expatriate or trade between Europe and Asia.

The HQ is now located in China's Hong-Kong R.A.S.

Bringing Asia closer to Europe!
Asien méi no un Europa bréngen!

About the Founder

Edouard Charles-Henri Pueo-Gémy was appointed Group Chief Executive in November 2019. 

Mr Pueo-Gémy has been with EGIAV – or its constituent companies – since 2017, when he created the Egiav Limited Meisi. He led EGIAV’s expansion in China Mainland and Hong-Kong. 

He subsequently served as Administrative Assistant; Director in France; Executive director in China Mainland; Managing Director in Egiav Group UK and Hong-Kong. 

He has over 7 years’ experience in the administrative and financial services industry in Asia and the UE, including over 3.5 years based in China Mainland.